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Everlasting Love - Embracing the Journey of Endless Devotion

Contributed: The Lewises - 41 Years of Love

Colliecia Wright/Media Intern

Richard Bach once said, “True love stories never have endings”. Indeed, they don’t. For true love is not bound by time or circumstance; it transcends the material and the mundane, enduring through every trial and triumph. It is a steadfast beacon that guides us through life’s storms, reminding us of the profound bond we share with our beloved.

The King and Queen of one vehicle, Samuel and Metlyn Lewis have kept Christ in the centre of their marriage for the past 41 years and counting. They have daily family devotion before taking on their activities for the day. The couple has three beautiful children, two boys and one girl. Embraced by the essence of St. Thomas, their love story is a testament to the power of faith and commitment.

How did you meet?
Their journey began amidst the hallowed halls of a school, where destiny wove their paths together in 1978. “I just left high school and went to this basic school and taught there for a year, I met her there,” reminisces Samuel. Metlyn fondly echoes his sentiment, affirming, “Yes, we met on a teaching path, on our working path.”

At what age did you get married?
In 1983, their love blossomed into matrimony, a union forged in the fires of friendship and mutual respect. This was five years after they met and had finished college. Metlyn was 27 years old and Samuel was 30 years old.

How do you overcome differences in your marriage?
“We decided that when we both went to the altar if anything happened, we would both work it out together,” shares Samuel, highlighting the unwavering commitment that has been the cornerstone of their marriage. Navigating the ebb and flow of life’s currents, they have weathered every storm with grace and resilience. “If we have to go into the woods or the wilderness to blow out tops, in case we need to speak high or loud or even go away from the children to come to an amicable agreement, we would do that,” reveals Metlyn, emphasizing the importance of communication and forgiveness in their relationship.

How has your marriage remained strong?
“We were and are still very open to each other,” Samuel affirms, “I don’t hide anything from her and she does not hide anything from me.” The couple further went on to share that in their marriage they don’t use “I” and “My”, it is always “Ours”, so, for example, Our money. They have used only one vehicle for the both of them for their entire marriage and they even sometimes refer to themselves as the “The King and Queen of one vehicle”. The couple also shares that they have never left their gate without praying, prayer has been an important part of their marriage.

What do you love most about your spouse?
“He is alert to my needs,” says Metlyn. She continues by giving an example of when she is going to the hairdresser and not thinking about money but he comes and asks if she has money to take care of her bill at the hairdresser. She also loves the romantic side of Samuel, “If it was not for him, then maybe that part of our marriage would be ashes”. Samuel, in turn, praises her boundless kindness and unwavering support. “I was sick at one point and she decided to retire so she can take care of me”. In the sanctuary of their love, they have nurtured a legacy of compassion and understanding.

What advice do you have for younger couples?
To younger couples embarking on their own journey of love, Samuel and Metlyn offer sage advice. “You need to love each other,” Metlyn insists, “love is what you are gonna build your relationship on.”

The Lewis’ encourages younger couples not to do a contract marriage. Samuel admonishes marriage based on material intents. “Be kind to each other and make sure you are being counselled or have gone through pre-marital counselling,” he says.

As the sun sets on another day, Samuel and Metlyn Lewis stand as beacons of enduring love, their hearts intertwined in a dance of eternal devotion. For theirs is a love that knows no bounds, a love that will continue to illuminate the darkest nights and inspire generations to come.

Colliecia Wright, a media intern at Golden Designs, specialises in crafting press releases and blog articles. As a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts and Technology at UTECH, she is dedicated to uplifting minds through the power of words.


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